Our Newest Wall Art Offering | The Amalfi Panel | One of a kind wall art for your home

Our Newest Wall Art Offering - The Amalfi Panel

The Amalfi panel is luxurious and rich with tradition. It’s a gallery wall art. It’s a framed pic. It’s an handmade print. Above all, it’s one of the most noble presentations for a picture, matted with Amalfi handmade paper and printed on HD Fine Art; it’s mounted on a fabric panel ready to be hanged. Pure art.

Bobbi Jo Brooks Fine Art & Photography, LLC works closely with family business along the Amalfi Coast in Italy. This family has been producing this handmade paper for the past 300 years and is the ONLY family in the world that still creates this beautiful cotton paper. This unique one-of-a-kind paper that is stunning piece of art to add to your home.